Section: Dissemination

Conference participation

Members of the project-team have delivered lectures in the following seminars, workshops and international conferences:

  • D. Benoit, Congrès SMAI 2011, Guidel, France, May 2010,

  • S. Boyaval, séminaire Université de Lille, January 2011,

  • S. Boyaval, workshop on Reduced basis methods in high dimensions, Paris, June 2011,

  • S. Boyaval, ICIAM, minisymposium Reduced-Basis methods, Vancouver, Canada, July 2011,

  • S. Boyaval, CEMRACS, SimTech Workshop on Current Trends in Computational Fluid Mechanics, Marseille, August 2011,

  • S. Boyaval, workshop Numerical Analysis of Multiscale Problems and Stochastic Modelling, RICAM Linz, Austria, December 2011,

  • E. Cancès, workshop on computational challenges in partial differential equations, Swansea, United Kingdom, April 2011,

  • E. Cancès, workshop Polaritons 2011, CIRM, Marseille, April 2011,

  • E. Cancès, summer program on electronic structure analysis, Shanghai, China, June 2011,

  • E. Cancès, MFO workshop on mathematical methods in quantum chemistry, Oberwolfach, Germany, June 2011,

  • E. Cancès, ICIAM 2011, Vancouver, Canada, July 2011,

  • E. Cancès, Minisymposium on mathematics in materials science, Beijing, China, September 2011,

  • E. Cancès, distinguished professor lecture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, September 2011,

  • E. Cancès, weekly seminar of the mathematics department, University of Grenoble, February 2011,

  • E. Cancès, weekly seminar of the mathematics department, University of Nice, March 2011,

  • E. Cancès, weekly seminar of the mathematics department, University of Créteil, May 2011,

  • E. Cancès, weekly seminar of the chemistry department, University of Pisa, Italy, October 2011,

  • E. Cancès, weekly seminar of the chemistry department, University of Lille, November 2011,

  • R. Costaouec, Congrès SMAI 2011, Guidel, May 2011,

  • R. Costaouec, ICIAM 2011 conference, Vancouver, July 2011,

  • I. Dabo, CEA Seminar, CEA, Saclay, September 2011,

  • I. Dabo, CEA Seminar, CEA, Grenoble, September 2011,

  • I. Dabo, LPICM Seminar, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, April 2011,

  • I. Dabo, GDR coDFT, Obernai, June 2011,

  • I. Dabo, First-principles surface chemistry under applied voltage (contributed oral presentation), Electrochemical Society Meeting, Montreal, May 2011,

  • I. Dabo, American Physical Society Meeting, Dallas, March 2011,

  • M. Dobson, RSME2011 conference, Avila, February 2011,

  • M. Dobson, ICIAM 2011 conference, Vancouver, July 2011,

  • M. Dobson, 11th USNCCM conference, Minneapolis, July 2011,

  • M. Dobson, workshop Nonequilibrium Processes, Obergurgl, Austria, August 2011,

  • V. Ehrlacher, ICIAM 2011, Vancouver, Canada, July 2011,

  • V. Ehrlacher, ENUMATH 2011, Leicester, United Kingdom, September 2011,

  • V. Ehrlacher, BIRS workshop on Density Functional Theory: fundamentals and applications in condensed matter physics", Banff, Canada, January 2011,

  • V. Ehrlacher, IMA workshop on Large-scale Inverse Problems and Quantification of Uncertainty, Minneapolis, United States, June 2011,

  • V. Ehrlacher, MFO workshop on mathematical methods in quantum chemistry, Oberwolfach, Germany, June-July, 2011,

  • C. Le Bris, plenary lecture, International conference on "Frontiers of Computational and Applied Mathematics", Peking University, Beijing China, october 2011,

  • C. Le Bris, keynote lecturer, joint MIT (CCE) - Politecnico di Milano (MOX) workshop, "Reduction Strategies for the Simulation of Complex Problems", Milano, January 2011,

  • C. Le Bris, INI/WIMCS Joint Follow-Up Meeting on Computational challenges in partial differential equations, Swansea University, April 2011,

  • C. Le Bris, `The ACMAC workshop on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations”, Heraklion, Crete, June 2011,

  • C. Le Bris, Sino-French Workshop on Contemporary Applied Mathematics, Fudan University, Shanghai, July 2011,

  • C. Le Bris, ICIAM conference, Minisymposium on Reduced basis methods and their applications, Vancouver, Canada, July 2011,

  • C. Le Bris, ICIAM conference, Minisymposium on Coupling Atomistic and Continuum Simulations: Coping with Length and Time Scales, Vancouver, Canada, July 2011,

  • C. Le Bris, ICIAM conference, Minisymposium on multiscale interaction between microscopic and continuum scales, Vancouver, Canada, July 2011,

  • C. Le Bris, Modern Trends in PDE's, Geometric Analysis and Mathematical Physics, University of Cergy-Pontoise, September 2011,

  • C. Le Bris, Workshop on Partial Differential Equations in Mathematical Physics and their Numerical Approximation, Levico Terme (Trento, Italy), September 2011,

  • C. Le Bris, Workshop Modern Techniques in the Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, Heraklion, Crete, September 2011.

  • C. Le Bris, Minisymposium on mathematics in materials science, Beijing, September 2011,

  • C. Le Bris, Workshop on Control and Optimization of PDEs, Graz, October 2011,

  • C. Le Bris, Workshop Modeling of defects, Singapore, December 2011,

  • C. Le Bris, Penn State University Math Colloquium, 2011,

  • C. Le Bris, NCMIS Distinguished Lecture Series National Center for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2011,

  • F. Legoll, workshop on “Multiscale simulation of heterogeneous materials and coupling of thermodynamic models”, Louvain, January 2011,

  • F. Legoll, workshop on “Mathematical Analysis for Peridynamics”, Oberwolfach, January 2011,

  • F. Legoll, Workshop “Random Media: Homogenization and Beyond”, IPAM, Los Angeles, January 2011,

  • F. Legoll, RSME2011 conference, Avila, February 2011,

  • F. Legoll, seminar of the POEMS team-project, Paris, February 2011,

  • F. Legoll, Fraunhofer Institute seminar, Kaiserslautern, March 2011,

  • F. Legoll, workshop on Stochastic Multiscale Methods, Banff, March 2011,

  • F. Legoll, Applied Mathematics Colloquium, Caltech, April 2011,

  • F. Legoll, 10ième Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, Giens, May 2011,

  • F. Legoll, workshop on “Ginzburg-Landau equations, Dislocations and Homogenization”, Ile de Ré, May 2011,

  • F. Legoll, Workshop on “Coarse-graining of many-body systems”, Heraklion, June 2011,

  • F. Legoll, AMS von Neumann Symposium on Multimodel and Multialgorithm Coupling for Multiscale Problems, Snowbird, July 2011,

  • F. Legoll, ICIAM 2011 conference, Vancouver, July 2011,

  • F. Legoll, 11th USNCCM conference, Minneapolis, July 2011,

  • F. Legoll, Enumath conference, Leicester, September 2011,

  • F. Legoll, Mini-symposium on Mathematics in Materials Science, September 2011,

  • F. Legoll, 3rd Summer School of the Large Scale Initiative "FUSION", Paris, September 2011,

  • F. Legoll, Numerical analysis seminar, Department of Mathematics, Texas A & M University, September 2011,

  • T. Lelièvre, Meeting on Computational Challenges in Partial Differential Equations, Swansea University, April 2011,

  • T. Lelièvre, Workshop on complexity and computational methods in statistics, Sante Fe, April 2011,

  • T. Lelièvre, Séminaire du CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique, May 2011,

  • T. Lelièvre, Workshop on Macroscopic Modeling of Materials with Fine Structure, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, May 2011,

  • T. Lelièvre, Workshop Coarse-graining of many-body systems: analysis, computations and applications, University of Crete, Greece, June 2011,

  • T. Lelièvre, ICIAM 2011, Vancouver, July 2011,

  • T. Lelièvre, Plenary speaker at the ENUMATH conference, University of Leicester, September 2011,

  • T. Lelièvre, Minisymposium on Mathematics in Materials Science, Pekin, September 2011,

  • T. Lelièvre, Workshop on Nucleation and Rare Events, Pekin, September 2011,

  • T. Lelièvre, Journées scientifiques MoMaS, Marseille, November 2011,

  • T. Lelièvre, Workshop Reduced Basis, POD or PGD-Based Model Reduction Techniques, Cachan, November 2011,

  • T. Lelièvre, Workshop Interactions EDPs/Probas, GDR CHANT, Grenoble, November 2011,

  • T. Lelièvre, Workshop on Multiscale Systems: Theory and Applications, Warwick, December 2011,

  • F. Nier, Journée de la Fédération CNRS Amiens-Reims-Compiègne”, November 2011 ,

  • F. Nier, Mathematics-Physics meeting around Bose-Einstein Condensates, ANR Volquan, Versailles, December 2011,

  • F. Nier, weekly seminar of the mathematics department, University of Créteil, December 2011,

  • G. Samaey, Séminaire de mathématiques appliquées, Collège de France, Paris, May 2011,

  • G. Samaey, SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, Utah, May 2011,

  • G. Samaey, Making it Real Seminar, Bristol University, May 2011,

  • G. Samaey, Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics Seminar, Imperial College, London, June 2011,

  • G. Samaey, von Neumann Symposium, Snowbird, Utah, July 2011,

  • G. Stoltz, Summer school on Electronic Structure Analysis and Computation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, june 2011

  • G. Stoltz, ICIAM, Vancouver, Canada, July 2011,

  • G. Stoltz, Molecular Kinetics, Berlin, Germany, September 2011,

  • G. Stoltz, Minisymposium on mathematics in materials science, Beijing, China, September 2011,

  • G. Stoltz, weekly seminar of the mathematical physics group, Université de Cergy, November 2011,

  • G. Stoltz, journée CECAM on modeling of matter, Paris, December 2011,

  • G. Stoltz, Workshop on Multiscale Systems: Theory and Applications, Warwick, December 2011,

  • F. Thomines, workshop on “Multiscale simulation of heterogeneous materials and coupling of thermodynamic models”, Louvain, January 2011,

  • F. Thomines, ICIAM 2011 conference, Vancouver, July 2011,

  • F. Thomines, Enumath conference, Leicester, September 2011,

  • F. Thomines, Numerical analysis seminar, Department of Mathematics, Texas A & M University, September 2011,

In addition to the above, some members of the team have been invited for stays in institutions abroad:

  • F. Legoll, Texas A & M University, College Station, USA, 30 Nov - 9 Dec 2011,

  • F. Thomines, Texas A & M University, College Station, USA, September 2011,

Members of the project-team have delivered the following series of lectures:

  • E. Cancès, Lectures (6h) on molecular modelling, Université de Versailles-St Quentin, March 2011,

  • C. Le Bris, Lectures on Stochastic homogenization, Series of 4 one-hour lectures, Colloque "Marches aléatoires, Milieux aléatoires", Roscoff, June 2011,

  • C. Le Bris, Lectures on Stochastic homogenization, Series of 3 one-hour lectures, Third International Riemann International School of Mathematics, "Free Surface, Multiphase and Multiphysics Problems", Verbania on the Lago Maggioren, September 2011,

  • C. Le Bris, Lectures on Stochastic homogenization, Series of 3 one-hour lectures, National University of Singapore, December 2011,

  • F. Legoll, Lectures (5h) on "Some recent numerical approaches for random multiscale materials", EMS School and Workshop on Mathematics for Multiscale Phenomena, Bedlewo, October 2011,

  • F. Legoll, Lectures (3h) on "Energie libre et dynamique réduite en dynamique moléculaire", GdR CHANT workshop on “Interactions EDPs/Probas: modèles probabilistes pour la simulation moléculaire”, Grenoble, November 2011.

Members of the project-team have presented posters in the following events:

  • R. Costaouec, Workshop Random Media: Homogenization and Beyond, IPAM, Los Angeles, January 2011,

  • M. Dobson, AMS von Neumann Symposium on Multimodel and Multialgorithm Coupling for Multiscale Problems, Snowbird, July 2011,

  • M. Dobson, Metastability and stochastic processes, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, September 2011,

  • F. Thomines, Workshop “Random Media: Homogenization and Beyond”, IPAM, Los Angeles, January 2011.

Members of the project-team have participated (without giving talks nor presenting posters) in the following seminars, workshops and international conferences:

  • S. Lahbabi, BIRS workshop on Density Functional Theory: fundamentals and applications in condensed matter physics", Banff, Canada, January 2011,

  • S. Lahbabi, MFO workshop on mathematical methods in quantum chemistry, Oberwolfach, Germany, June-July 2011,

  • S. Lahbabi, Modern Trends in PDE's, Geometric Analysis and mathematical physics, Cergy, September 2011,

  • S. Lahbabi, Frontiers in Mathematical Physics, Cergy, May 2011,

  • S. Lahbabi, Summer school on current topics in Mathematical Physics, Vienna, Austria, August 2011,